J. W. Billis followed Bro. Masters. He pastored FBC Sturgis from 1931 – 1934. During his tenure there was a division in the church, resulting in his resignation.
Rev. Ernest Miller became pastor from 1934 until his death in December of 1943. The church grew and progressed during his pastorate. The Sunday School and B. T. U were upgraded. The 50th year anniversary of the church was celebrated, a new organ was purchased for the church. The yearly Associational report of 1940 showed the Sunday School enrollment of 361 with an average attendance of 147. The pastor’s salary was $1,300 annually.
Rev. C. L. Nicely was called as pastor in February of 1944 and pastored for two and a half years. Bro. Nicely resigned in October of 1946.
Rev. James T. Ford followed Rev. Nicely. Dottie Lane, who later became a missionary to Japan, and who we have a special Associational Offering named in her honor, served as church secretary while home for the summer from college. A standard Sunday School and church budget were proposed. A library was established. A special drive in April 1947, for the purchase of the Dr. Carr property resulted in the purchase of a lot on the north side of the present church building. The membership totaled 668, enrolled in Sunday School 389; contributed to missions $5,112,62.
Rev. I. L. Baughn became pastor in January 1949. The church experienced great growth under his leadership. The building fund by January 1950 had reached $14,669.00, and they secured an architect to make plans for a new educational building to be built on the lot purchased during the pastorate of J. T. Ford. The ground breaking for the construction the Educational Building was on May 1st, 1950. The building was occupied May 6, 1951. The building was dedicated on Sunday, October 5th, 1952. The membership was 670. Sunday School enrollment grew to 530 with an attendance of 327. Bro. Baughn resigned August 29, 1954.
Rev. H. K. Sorrell was called as pastor January 6, 1955. The church reported a total membership of 680 and Sunday School enrollment of 578. The note was paid on the Educational Building and a note burning was held. Bro. Sorrell resigned, November 6th, 1958.
Rev. Truett Miller was called as pastor on December 28th, 1958. Neil Travis became Music Director in 1959. In July, the Shell Station lot was purchased for $7,000 for the building of a parsonage. A parsonage was built on the lot purchased for that purpose and the old parsonage was sold. Bro. Miller resigned in November of 1960. Neal Travis resigned November 1, 1960 as Minister of Music.
Rev. Curtis Warf was called to be the pastor on February 16, 1961. The new brick parsonage was completed and dedicated in November of 1962, located at 825 N. Adams Street, the current address of Bro. Shane & Jenni.
In July of 1967 the total membership of the church was 718, with 518 in Sunday School.
On June 14, 1964, the church met and voted to build an additional Educational Building to go beside the current Educational Building. They also discussed the building of a new sanctuary. The cornerstone for the new Educational Building was laid during an elaborate ceremony on Sunday, May 2, 1965.
Don Whitis became Director of Music in December 1966.