When registering, please follow the link above. The link will open to an email - please email your name, church group or organization, number planning to attend and any questions you may have. We will return an email with the answers to any questions and a form to complete your reservation.
Our church provides clean, free showers for the bikers who attend the West Kentucky Bike Rally in July.
While they wait for showers, we encourage, pray and share the gospel.
We provide each biker with a Biker Bible and Biker track.
In 2019 we saw over 900 bikers from over 18 states use our facilities.
Daily activities include: helping with food preparation, cleaning showers, laundry, passing out flyers in community, engaging, talking, sharing the gospel and praying with bikers as they wait for showers and enjoying the company and fellowship
of the group serving and helping.
We want to encourage other churches to support and volunteer to help this year. WE NEED YOUR HELP!
If you are a Christian Bike Club/Group or a church mission group that would like to help us during the week,
our church will provide lodging/meals for your group.
Please contact the church office at 270-333-2691,
or email for more information and to secure reservations.
Donations are appreciated of the following items:
Paper products (napkins, cups, paper towels, plates), bottled water, bleach, Purex Detergent (white bottle), thin, white bath towels and washcloths, financial support.